2 Common Causes Of Tooth Pain And The Associated Treatments
If you have severe pain in one of your teeth, you may be desperate to soothe it. Here is some information about tooth pain and what can be done to treat it:
Tooth Pain
Tooth pain can occur for many different reasons, such as dental sensitivity or a dental infection.
Pain from Dental Sensitivity
Pain associated with dental sensitivity usually occurs when you ingest hot or cold foods or beverages. The temperature change can cause inflamed dental nerves to register pain.
Pain from Dental Infections
Pain that is associated with a dental infection is also due to nerve inflammation. However, the inflammation is caused by the infection. If tooth decay occurs and bacteria gain access to the inner chambers of a tooth, a dental infection may form. An infection in the inside portion of a tooth, which is called the pulp, often affects dental nerves.
The dental nerves and blood supply lie within the pulp. During an infection, the pulp may swell. This places additional pressure on sensitive nerves, causing pain.
A dental infection may also include other symptoms, such as an abscess on the gums, a foul odor in the mouth, pus leaking from around a tooth and the darkening of the infected tooth.
What can you do to alleviate the pain?
Once tooth pain starts, it can be excruciating, and you will likely want immediate relief.
Treating Dental Sensitivity Pain
For dental sensitivity pain, you can stop eating or drinking the hot or cold substance and brush your teeth with toothpaste that is designed to treat dental sensitivity. Sensitivity toothpaste may include special ingredients, such as potassium nitrate, to lessen nerve sensitivity. Over time, with repeated use, the toothpaste may lessen the degree of dental sensitivity experienced.
Treating Dental Infection Pain
Dental pain from a tooth infection needs to be treated by a dentist. Antibiotics may be prescribed, and a root canal may be performed to remove the infected material from the tooth. Once the infection is completely suctioned from the inner chambers of the tooth, the tooth is disinfected, filled and covered with a dental crown.
In some cases, if a dental infection is too severe, a dental extraction may be necessary.
To help lessen the tooth pain until your dental appointment, you can treat the pain with over-the-counter analgesic gels or oral pain medication.
To learn more about the causes and treatments tooth pain, schedule a consultation with a dentist like Louisville Family Dental in your area.