3 Signs Of Gum Disease
A lot of people avoid going to the dentist for a number of reasons, and one of these reasons is because they are afraid to find out what is wrong with their teeth and mouth. Without proper oral care habits and visits to a dentist, such as Kenneth Schweizer DDS PA, there are many problems you can experience in your mouth, including gum disease. Here are some of the top signs that you might have gum disease.
Bleeding when flossing or brushing
If you ever notice blood in your mouth when brushing or flossing your teeth, it could be a sign that you have gum disease. Healthy gums will not bleed from regular flossing and brushing activities, but damaged gums will. If you are seeing blood at any time during these things, you should visit a dentist to have your gums examined.
Sensitivity with your teeth
Another common sign of gum disease is sensitivity with teeth; however, sensitivity with your teeth can occur for other reasons too. Typically, the teeth will become sensitive when the enamel wears off and exposes the inner parts of the teeth. The inner parts of the teeth contain tubules which contain nerves.
Gum disease is a progressive disease, but it starts with the receding of your gums. As your gums recede, or wear away, they will begin exposing inner parts of your teeth and more of your teeth. This is why sensitivity is often a sign of gum disease.
Bad breath
If you have bad breath all the time and cannot seem to get rid of it, this too could be a sign that you have gum disease. Bad breath can also occur for other reasons, but it is almost always present with gum disease. This occurs because bacteria is one of the leading causes of gum disease. Bacteria that remains on the teeth too long can harm the gums. This bacteria will cause your mouth to smell bad, and the only way to get rid of it is to treat the gum disease.
There are several different remedies and treatment options available for gum disease, but it is easier to treat if it is detected at an early stage. If left unaddressed, gum disease will worsen, and it could eventually cause you to lose some or all of your teeth.
If you have been avoiding the dentist for any reason, you should fight your fears and call for an appointment. It is easier and less expensive to fix minor issues with your teeth than to wait for the problems to develop into major issues. To learn more, contact a dentist today.