4 Threats To Teeth After Dental Bonding Treatment
Dental services like bonding have multiple benefits; you can strengthen your teeth, cover up defects, or even build up damaged teeth. However, bonded teeth aren't indestructible; there are threats that can damage the dental bonding material. Here are some of those threats and what you can do to keep them at bay:
Discoloring Products Food and Drinks
The dental bonding material, just like your natural teeth, can stain if exposed to staining products, food, or drinks. Therefore, avoid such things if you don't want your teeth to stain easily. Don't forget that you won't be able to bleach your bonded teeth if they get stained. Here are a few tips to help you avoid staining your bonding material:
- Avoid colored drinks such as tea, sports drinks, and red wine
- Avoid staining food such as berries and candies
- Don't smoke or use tobacco products
- Drink water after every meal to rinse your teeth
Damaging Foods and Drinks
Apart from staining, the bonding material is also susceptible to damage, particularly in the form of erosion or wear and tear. Therefore, you need to avoid things that may erode the bonding material such as acidic food and drinks (like citrus fruits) and hard foods (such as pretzels). In short, avoid anything that is hard and acidic.
Damaging Dental Habits
Apart from food and drinks, there are also bad oral habits that may erode or chip your dental bonding material. For example, you shouldn't bite your fingernails or chew on objects like pencils and pen caps. Some people also have a bad habit of using their teeth as a tool, for example, for opening drink bottles, cutting clothing tags, or stripping insulation off electrical wires. Such habits may also damage the bonding material; in fact, such habits can also damage your natural teeth so you should avoid theme even if you don't have dental bonding.
Poor Oral Hygiene
Lastly, poor oral hygiene may also compromise your teeth even after dental bonding; the bonding treatment isn't a solution or all dental ills. This is particularly true immediately after the dental bonding treatment is complete. You need to brush and floss your teeth on a daily basis so as not to give dangerous bacteria the chance to infect your teeth.
As you can see, there is a lot you can do to maintain the integrity of your bonded teeth. Don't forget to consult your dentist the minute you suspect a problem with your teeth, bonded or otherwise.