3 Signs That Your Dental Bridges Do Not Fit
If you wear dental bridges, it is crucial that they fit properly. While your dentist will work in conjunction with the dental lab to ensure a proper fit, things like changes in weight, certain medications, and hormonal fluctuations can cause your bridges to feel to loose or too tight. Here are three signs that your dental bridges do not fit properly and what you can do about them:
Friction Ulcers
If your dentures or bridges are too loose, you may develop friction ulcers or other sores inside your mouth. Friction ulcers are the result of your dental appliances rubbing against the soft tissue in your mouth.
In people who wear ill-fitting dental bridges, friction ulcers are most commonly found on the gum line, however, they can develop anywhere in your mouth, especially when your bridges slip out of place. If your appliances are too big or too small, make an appointment with your dentist.
Oral ulcers need to be treated as soon as possible because they can quickly get infected. To soothe a sore mouth, try swishing your mouth with a mild saltwater solution for a few seconds a couple times a day. Salt will help soothe irritated tissues, and because salt may have antibacterial properties, it may also help clear your infection. It is important to note, however, that saltwater rinses are no substitute for antibiotics.
While Marks On Inner Cheeks
If your dental appliances shift out of place because they do not fit properly, you may accidentally bite the insides of your cheeks. If this happens on a regular basis, your may notice white bite marks on the lining of your cheeks.
These lines can become keratinized, and become hard. Keratinized cheek lines often heal after the source of irritation has been removed, however, you should see your dentist if they persist. Removing your dental bridges while your tissue heals will help prevent further irritation and will help speed healing.
Increasing your dietary intake of vitamin C-rich foods such as green leafy vegetables may help improve the quality of your oral tissues. Citrus fruits are high in vitamin C, however, the acidity may further irritate sensitive areas of your mouth.
Bad Taste In The Mouth
Both too tight and too loose dental bridges can lead to a bad taste in your mouth. Bridges that are ill-fitting can cause sores in your mouth, and if they become infected, you may notice an unpleasant taste. If the infection is not treated promptly, it can spread to your tonsils and cause bacteria-laden pockets in the folds of your tonsils.
Even if the friction sores are not infected, you may still notice an unusual or bad taste in your mouth because irritated soft tissue can bleed. While you are waiting to see your dentist, drink plenty of water throughout the day and swish your mouth with a mild saltwater solution.
If your oral appliances feel uncomfortable, make an appointment with your dentist, or someone like Michael G Landy DDS. When your bridges fit properly, you will be able to chew your food better and you will decrease your risk for friction ulcers and infection.