Prepping For Dental Implants
When you're trying to improve your appearance, you may be checking out your smile more than ever in the mirror. If you had a tooth or two removed in the past, you might now be regretting that and looking for solutions that will give you a complete grin. Implants can make that happen. However, even before visiting any dental pros about it, you should start prepping for any new dental implants with lifestyle tips like these.
1. Stop Smoking
Many habits could make you a poor implant candidate, but few are as serious as smoking. Smoking causes a full and long list of health problems, and you may already know your teeth aren't immune to the effects of this habit. Not only do the ingredients stain teeth surfaces, but smoking also affects circulation of oxygenated blood vessels in your mouth. An implant in a smoker's mouth will take longer to complete the implantation process and be slower to thoroughly heal. Dentists will usually ask that you kick this habit in the weeks preceding any procedure.
Don't make a bargain with yourself that you'll pick up smoking once the implants are in. This could stain and damage the implants, and ruin the smile you're working so hard for.
2. Fill Cavities
You may feel twinges of acute pain when you bite into a chocolate bar or ingest other sugary foods, but not feel rushed to have existing cavities filled. This could be a stumbling block if you're hoping for some implants. That's because your mouth must be as pristine and bacteria-free as possible. Unfilled cavities and thriving oral bacteria could severely impede implantation. If the area becomes home to bacteria, the entire site could be compromised, and a bad infection could set in. Therefore, handle cavities and all other dental problems now.
3. Focus on Bone-Building Foods
A shock to many who crave implants is the news that their bones simply can't support them. Bone density tests are completed to assess your viability for the implant process, and if your jaw is weak, the procedure cannot be done in good faith. To do better on those tests, you should be sure to boost your intake of cheese, kale, yogurt, broccoli, milk, and other good sources of both vitamin D and the mineral calcium. These nutrients can correct any deficiencies which are affecting the health and density of your bones.
Preparing a good oral environment is key for successful and attractive implants. Ask your dentist whether your mouth is ready for the process.