Don’t Let One Of These Myths Hold You Back From Implants

Missing teeth can cause you to feel self-conscious and embarrassed. It makes you where you don't want to smile or attend social gatherings. Thankfully, you don't have to deal with a missing tooth for the rest of your life. There are options available to you help restore your smile. One of those options is dental implants. Unfortunately, many people don't opt for implants due to something they might have heard about them in the past. Read More 

Dental Bridges Are Good Tooth Replacement Options

If you are missing some of your teeth then you want to have them replaced in a way that looks and feels natural, while giving you a fully functioning set again. While there are different options you may have available to you, a dental bridge may be the right one for you. There are a lot of benefits to going with a dental bridge and this article will introduce you to a bridge and familiarize you with some of those benefits. Read More 

Pediatric Dental Care Tips For New Parents

Protecting your child's smile from various causes of damage does not have to be a scary or intimidating experience. However, you may feel confused and overwhelmed by the amount and variety of information available about pediatric dental topics. Unfortunately, this can make it easy to overlook some of the more common and simple tips for helping your child have a beautiful smile. Make Brushing Fun To Encourage Good Habits It is common knowledge that brushing your teeth is critical for ensuring they are protected from decay and other potential sources of damage. Read More 

Encouraging Osseointegration After A Dental Implant

One of the most common causes of dental implant failure occurs when the bone in a patient's jaw fails to merge with the titanium post of the implant. This joining of bone and metal, known as osseointegration, is essential for a healthy and lasting implant, and new manufacturing and surgical techniques have made the process easier than ever. It is, however, still possible for the integration to fail, and there are precautions you should take to help ensure that your body accepts the dental implants without issue. Read More 

Four Foods To Keep Away From Your Child For Optimal Oral Health

Taking your child to regular dental checkups ensures that the child's teeth and gums are healthy. In between visits to the pediatric dentist, it's your responsibility to ensure that your child's diet doesn't negatively affect his or her oral health. While you might feel comfortable giving your son or daughter a sweet treat from time to time, steering clear from these high-sugar foods are much as possible is ideal. Sugar-laden products aren't the only things that can lead to problems with your child's oral health. Read More