Gum Disease: Preventative Tips & Signs That You Might Already Have It

You take care of your overall oral wellness, but is there more you can do? A healthy mouth is not only about your teeth; your gums are just as important. The following guide will teach you a few early signs of gum disease and show you how you can prevent it from happening at all.  Tips To Prevent Gum Disease Gum disease is caused by an overgrowth of bacteria around your gums. Read More 

Rise And Spit: What Saliva Has To Do With Dental Diagnostics

Diagnostics is one of the most important parts of dentistry -- it's hard to fix the problem in your mouth if you're not entirely sure what's wrong. Dentists (and related specialties, like prosthodontists or orthodontists) today have the benefit of ever-expanding technology and better equipment that can help pinpoint precisely what and where the problem is -- and it can do most of it with a small sample of saliva. If you're curious about what saliva-based dental diagnostics involve and how they can help you, then here's what you ought to know. Read More 

Most Common Dental Problems In Children

While most parents worry about their children's dental habits once they start losing teeth, many dental problems start much earlier. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention states that in the United States, one out of five kids between the ages of 5-11 have at least one untreated decayed tooth, and one out of seven kids between the ages of 12-19 also have one untreated decayed tooth. The damage can start as early as infancy. Read More 

Treatment & Cost Issues of Implant Dentistry

If you believe that dental implants are needed to replace missing teeth, you should seek an implant dentist with a thorough working and in-depth knowledge about all treatment aspects and with a good deal of prior experience. The treatment plan for dental implants includes two components: the surgical phase and the restorative phase. Usually, a periodontist or oral surgeon will perform the surgical phase of the dental implant process. A professional in general dentistry, or a prosthodontist, along with laboratory technicians, will perform the restorative aspect. Read More 

Benefits Of Dental Implants

If you're missing teeth and you have dentures, then you already know what a hassle dentures can be. If you're tired of dealing with dentures then you should consider having dental implants. Dental implants are permanent and this means they cut out a lot of the problems you may be dealing with due to your dentures, such as a sore mouth, difficulty eating and problems pronouncing certain words. Below you'll learn about some of the benefits that come with having dental implants: Read More