Can Going Gluten-Free Lead To Better Oral Health?

The short answer to this question is "yes," but it varies by degrees and from person to person. There's no doubt that the nation seems to be in the grips of a gluten-free craze at the moment, but just what is gluten and how can it be harmful to your teeth and overall health? For those with sensitivities, gluten (found in grains like wheat) triggers what can be a debilitating autoimmune attack. Read More 

3 Simple Ways To Convince Your Child To Take Better Care Of Their Teeth

If you have a younger child who's at the age to start taking care of their own oral hygiene, you may find it difficult to get them to remember to take care of their teeth the way they should. There are some simple ways you can help them make oral care a normal part of their routine. Follow the tips below to get your child to become more responsible with regards to their oral care. Read More 

How To Make Your Dental Exams More Affordable

As the costs of healthcare increase in the United States, so do the costs of dental care and other specialty services within this industry. Dental exams can be especially expensive, even if you are just going in for a routine cleaning. If you've been paying cash for a while now and you realize that this is no longer feasible for you, you may be feeling a little stressed out and frustrated—wondering how you will pay the dental bills that you and your family members make. Read More 

5 Foods You Should Avoid After Getting Your Teeth Whitened

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures. The process only takes about 20 minutes and you will instantly notice the results. However, if you want to maintain your white smile, you should avoid certain foods. Here are five foods you should avoid after getting your teeth whitened.  Coffee Although coffee can give you a nice boost in the morning, it can stain your teeth. If you drink coffee regularly after getting your teeth whitened, your results will not last as long. Read More 

Four Health Conditions That May Discolor Your Teeth

While having brown teeth is generally considered a cosmetic affair, it doesn't always mean that the discoloration is due to overzealous tea or wine drinking. In some cases, you may also be harboring a serious health (oral or otherwise) problem. If you have brown teeth, then you should also investigate whether you have: A Disease There are several diseases that can attack and discolor both your teeth's enamel (teeth covering) and dentin (the material underneath the enamel). Read More