Wisdom-tooth extraction is one of the most commonly performed dental surgeries. If you are experiencing toothaches, you may be wondering if your wisdom teeth need to be removed. Here are three dental-health conditions that may require wisdom-tooth extraction.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth
In some cases, the wisdom teeth may fail to fully emerge from the gums. This condition is known as impacted wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth can become impacted if they are positioned at the wrong angle when they start growing in due to imperfect development.
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If you were recently fitted with a new set of dentures, the following tips can be used to help you clean and apply them so that they continue to look natural and each piece is inserted properly on a daily basis. As a result, you can wear your dentures with confidence and won't need to worry about them becoming damaged or severely stained.
Set Up A Cleaning Station
Prepare an area in one of your restrooms to use while cleaning the dentures.
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In the world of orthodontic treatments, Invisalign is somewhat the new kid on the block. This is especially the case when compared to traditional metal braces. Given their relative infancy, a number of people don't know a lot about this treatment, opening the door for a number of misconceptions. Make sure you know fact from fiction in order to determine if this treatment is best for you.
You Have To Wear Them Forever
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If you're still at a point in your life where you haven't decided on what path to take as your vocation, there are many good reasons to consider becoming a dental hygienist. The following are just a few of the advantages in pursuing this career.
There is strong demand for this type of work
When you visit a dentist, the chances are that you will also spend some time with a dental hygienist.
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Keeping your teeth healthy is necessary, but it is also important for you to feel good about the way that your teeth look. Feeling uncomfortable about the appearance of your teeth can lower your self esteem and make you feel less confident as you interact with others. Multiple cosmetic dental applications have been developed to help improve the look of teeth. Here are a couple of them:
Dental Veneers
Dental veneers, which are tooth-shaped, thin slivers of resin or porcelain, are often used nowadays to improve the way that teeth look.
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