Understanding The Differences Between Dentists

When you think of going to the dentist, you might not realize that there are different types of dentists. Some dentists get specialized training that permits them to provide specific services or treat specific dental conditions. This might seem confusing because many individuals assume that one dentist can take care of all of their oral health needs. Sometimes referrals to other dentists are necessary to address certain situations. The following points will provide a brief explanation of different types of dentists and their services. Read More 

Why Are Your Teeth Crooked When You Had Braces As A Kid?

Going through having traditional braces as a kid isn't something most are happy about at the time, but the results can be spectacular. However, if you had braces when you were a child and have noticed that your teeth seem to be somewhat crooked now in adulthood, you're not alone. This is a common problem for many people. If you're curious as to why and to learn what you can do about it, read on. Read More 

Dental Sealants And When They Should Be Applied

Your child's baby teeth start to develop long before birth. Once they erupt, the tiny primary teeth serve an important purpose as they maintain the space necessary for the child's underlying permanent teeth to present in a straight configuration. Additionally, the baby teeth are needed for proper speech development and adequate nutrition. When the baby teeth are lost before their scheduled time to shed, the gaps along the gum line can make it difficult for your child to speak clearly. Read More 

4 Crucial Dental Services You Might Need

Dentists have helped many people achieve good oral health and their dream smile. However, most oral problems are best solved at an earlier stage. For this reason, it is essential to know when you need to visit your dentist. The following are four dental services you might need.  1. Dental Examination It is advisable to visit a dentist at least two times a year for an examination. During these checkups, the dentist will professionally clean your teeth to remove plaque and tartar. Read More 

When To Choose A Dental Implant Over A Root Canal

Root canals are the go-to procedure whenever a tooth is infected, cracked, damaged in an injury, or suffering from deep decay. While the endodontic treatment has been used successfully since the 1880s, some people choose to bypass a root canal and opt instead for a dental implant. To understand why this choice is made, it helps to comprehend the risks and rewards of each procedure.  What is a root canal? Read More