Encouraging Osseointegration After A Dental Implant

One of the most common causes of dental implant failure occurs when the bone in a patient's jaw fails to merge with the titanium post of the implant. This joining of bone and metal, known as osseointegration, is essential for a healthy and lasting implant, and new manufacturing and surgical techniques have made the process easier than ever. It is, however, still possible for the integration to fail, and there are precautions you should take to help ensure that your body accepts the dental implants without issue. Read More 

Four Foods To Keep Away From Your Child For Optimal Oral Health

Taking your child to regular dental checkups ensures that the child's teeth and gums are healthy. In between visits to the pediatric dentist, it's your responsibility to ensure that your child's diet doesn't negatively affect his or her oral health. While you might feel comfortable giving your son or daughter a sweet treat from time to time, steering clear from these high-sugar foods are much as possible is ideal. Sugar-laden products aren't the only things that can lead to problems with your child's oral health. Read More 

The Importance Of Interceptive Orthodontic Care

Unlike traditional orthodontic treatment which basically addresses tooth alignment problems after the permanent teeth have fully emerged from the gum line, interceptive orthodontic care focuses on correcting alignment issues early by guiding emerging primary teeth in children into their proper position. Interceptive orthodontic care can help guide teeth into a more favorable position and create a more appealing arrangement of your teeth, gums and jawline. This is meant to correct bite and alignment problems even before the permanent teeth in your child emerge, eliminating the need for more drastic measures such as wire braces later in adulthood. Read More 

Cheap Dental Care

Everyone needs dental care, but it can be difficult to find good dentists without breaking the bank. Thankfully, there are a couple of tips you can use to find good dental care at a fraction of the cost of a private practitioner. Dental Schools If you live near a dental school, then it is highly recommended that you check it out to see if they are offering their services. In many cases, you can pay a drastically reduced price to get work done by dental students. Read More 

How To Properly Care For A Temporary Crown

Dental crowns are an ideal way to improve the look of your smile. If you have a chipped or broken tooth or your tooth has become weak and brittle from a root canal, having a dental crown installed will improve the appearance and make the tooth stronger. Getting a dental crown is usually a two step process. At your first visit, the dentist will file and shape your natural tooth as needed and apply a temporary crown to it. Read More